Monday, March 7, 2011

‘G’ For Green. Let’s Go Green !!!

G10, G8, G5 and so on. We have had and heard enough of whatever that ‘G’ stands for.

Our politicians and leaders are doing the talking, raising voices and coming up with all the best of suggestions. We appreciate them for that noble effort.

Personally, I believe we have done enough talking and time is almost out. Could we engage some action? The time to act is now. I suggest that the letter ‘G’ be used to mean ‘GREEN’ (for forestry/nature conservation).

Our global environment is at the verge of destruction and before we know it all the vegetation and forest cover will have disappeared.

‘G for green!!!’. That is the way it should be. Less talking, more acting. I believe that if we all work together, we can save mother nature from perishing !!!