Sunday, February 2, 2014

Central African Republic does not sound like a name of an African country!

In recent times the African country that goes by the name Central African Republic or République centrafricaine - Its french nomenclatural equivalent which also doubles as Its official name, has caught the attention of the international community and this has evident judging from how often the country has made headlines in the international media and widely featured on social networks shared stories.
So many stories from this war-torn central African country that lies north of the Democratic Republic of Congo but unfortunately most of the tales are of horror and hopelessness.

Related stories: Religious Violence in Central African Republic (CAR)

However, although there seems to be so many eyes and lenses focusing on the events that are unfolding in this country, on social media a number of global citizens will not hide their dislike for what happens to be the name of the country - Central Afri.... (you know It already).

Well, personally I will not pretend not to belong to that category of humans. I DO NOT LIKE THAT #CAR hashtag or the full version of It. That explains why I decided to share this idea with you the reader, for I believe that If the men (and women) who have governed this country since pre-colonial countries couldn't think of a better name then we, the concerned friends of xyz can do something to remind them of the necessary name-change!

Now let me invite you to express your views about this topic by suggest
a new name for the Central African Republic because I believe we need a decent name, not something boring. How can you even dare mention in a public place that you are a Central African Republican??? Very annoying and offensive!!

Now let's do It.