Monday, April 9, 2012


Life is a journey and that partly explains why we should never expect anything perfect.    

For every journey, there are stop overs, plains, valleys, hills and so many other elements that will either cause us to pace up, slow down or even stop for a while.   

It is a well-known fact that human beings are not perfect and that is not about to change. On many occasions we may find ourselves grumbling about non-issues simply because we have failed to accept the simple basics of life and the nature of man-kind.   

As long as we continue to exist under the sun, men and women will each always find ourselves in a position where after every accomplished task, there are things that have been well-done and others that for a number of reasons are a sad story!  What am I trying to point at? Simple, If we are imperfect as many of us keep reminding others, then we should not find it hard to one, forgive others for the wrongs they have done to us. Two, to take time to correct others when they have made mistakes, and three, to encourage others to do good.  

If a man or woman has done nine bad and only one good thing, I believe that we should not shift all our attention to the bad side of the story. We should try as much as possible to lure this human into doing more good.

If each one of us had the willingness to share the good and have the willingness to encourage others to do good, the world would be different, a better place, I believe!

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