Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Your dress. Then mine !!!

Have you known any boy or girl, man or woman that is so obsessed with designer wear ?

You have probably had a friend or relative that can not resist the temptation of stomping 
the yard clad in huge Tommy Hilfiger T-shirt or any other outfit that bears catchy printings.

I personally, am not quite a fan of such simply because in most cases it attracts a lot of attention 
unnecessarily. I would never attack the day all wrapped in garment that does more ‘shouting’
than ‘speaking’ unless there is an urgent need to do so.

However, I do agree that we are all made different and our tastes and preferences vary.
I would never criticize you for dressing in a particular way because even Bintou JB has 
many outrageous remarks he has made when it comes to fashion and wardrobe.
Just check this out !!!

Bintou jb feat. Jesus Christ Hat from

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